Private Label Manufacturers Association PLMA Chicago 2023(アメリカ,シカゴ)にて初の出展

日本から世界へ、新しい”美味しい”を咲かせる「株式会社会花(あいか)」 (本社:群馬県吾妻郡、CEO:中澤 一彰)は2023年11月12日から14日に開催された ‶Private Label Manufacturers Association PLMA Chicago 2023″にて酒煌螺-Sake Cola-を出展しました。


「Private Label Manufacturers Association PLMA Chicago 2023」はParticipate in the Private Label Manufacturers Association主催の展示会で、小売業者、バイヤー、およびOEMメーカーの参加者が、自社のブランドとして製品を店舗に導入することを目的に開催されました。
今回の出展では、海外展開に向けて新たな市場での販路拡大や海外市場における顧客の嗜好を把握することを目的として酒煌螺-Sake Cola-の出展をしました。

当日は50名程度の来場者に酒煌螺-Sake Cola-の試飲を頂き、カクテルでの使用などリキュールならではの楽しみ方ができるという声を多く頂きました。


■Participate in the Private Label Manufacturers Associationについて
Participate in the Private Label Manufacturers Associationは自社ブランド商品の普及を目的として1979年に設立され、5 か国以上の 4,500 社を代表するユニークな業界団体です。








Debut Exhibition at Private Label Manufacturers Association PLMA Chicago 2023 (United States, Chicago)


The "Private Label Manufacturers Association PLMA Chicago 2023" exhibition, organized by Participate in the Private Label Manufacturers Association, aimed at introducing products to stores under their own brands for retail, buyers, and OEM manufacturers. Aika Corporation participated, showcasing "酒煌螺-Sake Cola-" to expand sales channels in new international markets and understand overseas customer preferences.
During the event, approximately 50 attendees had the opportunity to sample 酒煌螺-Sake Cola-, receiving positive feedback on the unique enjoyment, including its use in cocktails, characteristic of liqueurs.
Aika Corporation plans to further focus on international expansion in the future.


■About PLMA

ThePrivate Label Manufacturers Association (PLMA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1979 to promote store brands. It is the only trade group of its kind, representing 4,000 member companies in more than 75 countries. In addition to annual, industry-defining trade shows in Chicago and Amsterdam, PLMA offers its members conferences, executive education, professional development, market research, category and channel sales data, consumer surveys, and publications.

It provides a wide range of platforms, including conferences, specialized skill development, executive education, sales data for categories and channels, market research, consumer surveys, publications, and more.

Website :


■About Aika

Aika Corporation sells alcoholic beverages such as "酒煌螺-Sake Cola-" through its e-commerce site and provides wholesale distribution to stores. Similar to seeking out unknown "flowers," Aika encourages individuals to proactively explore new worlds and perspectives they may not be familiar with.

Aika strives to create opportunities for customers to discover the wonderful aspects, experiences, and values in industries that may be challenging to find. The company aims to be a presence that brings new discoveries and excitement through deliciousness to everyone associated with Aika, contributing to the creation of a new culture around alcoholic beverages.

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